NorthEastPHP Conference 2017 will take place August 9 – 11 in Charlottetown Canada bringing the world’s most influential speakers together for this great event, including myself.

Each year during the summer, the East Coast of North America is having their own PHP event: NorhEastPHP. This year taking place in Charlottetown in Canada.

Charlottetown skyline WikiMedia

The schedule looks really awesome with some talks I’m very interested in:

Of course the keynotes by Samantha Quiñones and Adam Culp are the cherries on the cake. I will be talking there too, presenting two amazing sessions:

  • The road to PHP 7.1
  • Leveraging a distributed architecture to your advantage

Besides attending sessions and speaking myself, I hope to reach out to the community in the North East and have great conversations in the hallway track.

I’m looking forward to be at this event and I hope to see you there too.


Michelangelo van Dam

Michelangelo van Dam is a senior PHP architect, PHP community leader and international conference speaker with many contributions to PHP projects and community events.