2018 was an amazing year for in2it! Even though the year went by in a flash, we look back at one of the best years ever.

I want to take the opportunity to thank the many new customers with whom we worked this year on exciting projects. We are really grateful for your business and we look forward doing business with you again in the future.

I also want to thank the awesome people who joined our in2it team. You’ve proven yourselves to be really great team players, mentors and field experts. I’m really humble when I’m surrounded by such amazing talent and I’m looking forward to continue working with all of you.

As we’re approaching the end of the year, we are cleaning up our data, archiving done projects and updating our training courses. New challenges lie ahead in 2019, but they can wait until January.

From everyone at in2it, we wish you happy holidays and a wonderful 2019!

Categories: Announcements

Michelangelo van Dam

Michelangelo van Dam is a senior PHP architect, PHP community leader and international conference speaker with many contributions to PHP projects and community events.